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SoliTek Mittelklemme Klick 6,8 EPDM L-150 Schwarz für Solitek

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SoliTek has tested its modules with Alumero CLICK 6.8 clamps. Use at minimum 4 clamps to fix
modules on the mounting rails. Modules clamps metal parts should not come into contact with the
front or back glass. When choosing this type of clamp-mounting method, use at least four clamps on each module; two clamps should be attached on each long side. Depending on local wind and snow loads, additional clamps may be required to ensure that modules can bear the load.

Applied torque should refer to mechanical design standard according to the bolt customer is using.
It is recommended to use only certificated equipment for the PV plant installation.

Alumero CLICK 6.8 clamps tightening torque should be at least 15 Nm, but not greater than 20 Nm. Usually 15 Nm is reached when two aluminium profiles touch each other. When using other mounting clamps please refer to manufacturers recommendations.

Weitere Informationen
Artikelnummer M.B.-150MM
Marke SoliTek
Hersteller Alumero
Herstellungsland Litauen
Weitere Informationen
HS-code 76109090
EAN-code 6438056268763
Gewicht (kg) 0.2
Ausführung Mittelklemme
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